Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Running challenge dungeons in DDO with my Warforged

It's been a long time, yes I have been gone a long time and things didn't pan out in terms of me playing DDO, but now I am back, because I am on xmas/winter break from grad school. I plan to update daily, if not every other day, as I play more and more DDO, which is one of my favorite mmorpgs (the others being World of Warcraft and good old Dark Age of Camelot)

But I digress. Earlier tonight I was doing the Proof is in the Poison challenge dungeon with my level 6 warforged. What I didn't know is that this dungeon would be extremely hard to finish on elite, and that it was a long adventure. Fortunately, I didn't undertake it alone, I went in with a bard who brought along a hireling, and later (after I died a few times) we invited some extra muscle.

Unfortunately, the power went out in my place went out for some strange reason (could be that the mini heater I was using sucked up all the electrical juices since it's so freaking cold) and as I screamed in disguist, NOOOOOOO, the room went pitch dark and all my xp went out the window. Considering how long this dungeon takes, even on normal settings, you can imagine I was upset, my party probably all died, although they may have made it all the way through as my fellow bard was a pretty resistant and highly skilled player from what I could tell, maybe they finished it. I guess I will never know. I was kicking myself for a bit because I could have gained a while half a rank of xp had I completed the quest since we were running it on elite!

Curiously enough, I have been scouring youtube and the web for DDO content and tutorials, and though there is a lot of significant content online, the best video I found on this specific dungeon was put together by Total Biscuit. If you also play other mmorpgs, most notably wow, you are already familiar with TB's style, but I found it interesting that he attempted (successfully unlike myself) to two-man this dungeon along with a warrior tank for muscle over a year ago.

 His bard has the ability to heal itself and that's what my PUG friend was doing the whole time on our dungeon run, although I was not aware of it at the time.

Mind you, as he points out, Bards are not the only healers in DDO, but they can solo some instances, especially if they are using mystical armor like he was. TB does as a better job of explaining it in this video, but it's a bit of a long one, so make sure you have time to watch the entire thing. I had to stop it right before the end as I did not want to spoil the entire adventure. I am sure I will be attempting to complete this dungeon, preferably on elite for bonus xp in the days to come. Cheers!!


  1. Stumbled across your blog! Cool to see you writing about DDO! - Cordovan, Turbine Community Specialist.

  2. thanks it's a great game. Hope to play it more this year
