Monday, December 5, 2011

why still no PvP system in DDO??

Jackson Laws in my DDO server usually does not lead to fun and intersting PvP
I have been having fun lately running through dungeons as a solo player in DDO, assisted by my hirelings, and sometimes in a group running through level 4 and higher instances. However, while chilling in the taverns one day I ran into the Jackson Laws NPCs and I wondered why the PvP in DDO is not a greater part of the game?

I came across this old thread on the subject and came to the conclusion that many players feel it is missing from the game, while others feel since DDO is based on pen and paper D&D, and since PvP is not a big focus on traditional D&D, the devs haven’t made it a big part of DDO either.

Personally, I tried dueling with a few players, and they being more familiar with their classes, handed me a pretty convincing beating every time. I would like to round up a group of players just so that I can check out the battle arenas, but I can never find enough players wanting to do so.

According to an entry in the DDO wiki, PVP in DDO is considered to be Fluff: There are no rewards, and therefore there is no incentive other than personal enjoyment to compete in PVP.  I would have to agree with that statement, it seems like it was more of an afterthought than a fully robust or fully fleshed out system.

I found this eloquent and well written editorial about pvp or DDO’s lack of it and though it is dated (written prior to Guild Wars’ launch by Arena Net) It still makes a lot of valid points. Some players want PvP in DDo just to be jerks, or to grief on other players, while others believe that a legitimate system of competing against each other under certain formats which bring them excitement and a lot of fun should be implemented in the game. I happen to fall under the latter camp. I think Turbine could implement a system which would take advantage of the inherent role playing possibilities in the game, the system in place now for dueling is not nearly as fun as dueling with players in other games.

Now, back to leveling my Barbarian!

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